Pigmentation Treatment

Hyperpigmentation is an ailment that happens when a region of the skin turns out to be a lot more obscure in contrast with the remainder of the complexion. This occurs because of an overabundance of a shade called melanin. Hyper-pigmentation is genuinely normal and many individuals have announced this condition sooner or later in their lives.

Types of Hyperpigmentation

  • 1. Lentigines or Freckled Skin: They are mainly freckles that arise on the skin.

  • 2. Solar Lentigines: Although these are known as age spots, sun spots, and liver spots they are caused primarily due to prolonged exposure to the sun.

What causes hyperpigmentation?

  • Hyperpigmentation can be hereditary i.e. passed on to children from parents
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Picking and poking at the skin can also cause Hyperpigmentation.
  • Skin injuries due to bad forms of acne vulgaris and inflammation.